Thursday/Friday, February 14-15, 2013. Palm Beach/Delray Beach, FL
Co-chairs/hosts: Rob Walker & Jim Lane

The 1961 gathering in Florida Feb. 14/15 was attended by twelve classmates, wives, and significant others. Left to right, bottom row:  Barker, Scasserra, Walker.  Top row: Tuffnell, Gruen, Atkiss, Prather, Swan, Lane, Krongard, and Geo. Morris. Torell was not in the photo. Although rain was a constant menace and limited us to inside events, the stalwart group braved the elements with rain gear, umbrellas, wet shoes and high spirits for both days.

Our initial and highlight event was a visit to the Palm Beach Zoo where we were royally hosted by the zoo president in a sheltered pavilion for introductions, cocktailsand comments. Zoo staff members wandered among us holding a baby alligator, a dwarf hedgehog and a multicolored parrot. During a short break in the rain, we were escorted to the Tiger Den (nighttime home) of three Malayan tiger cubs born at this zoo in 2011. Now almost 2 years old and weighing about 250 lbs., they are magnificent creatures, especially when viewed up close -- two feet away behind bars in their cage. We were all impressed by the worldwide preservation efforts to maintain this endangered species.

After a 30 minute drive south to Delray Beach, this group of 1961 "endangered " species dried out at Rob/Kathie’s club on the oceanfront. A nice group of 23 enjoyed renewing friendships, taking group photos under the 1961 banner and having a delicious meal together.

Friday brought more bad weather so our daytime activities were limited to indoor events in Palm Beach. Beginning with a lunch gathering of six couples in the Seafood Bar of the historic Breakers Hotel, we began to learn more about the gilded age of opulence 100 years ago which Henry Flagler and his development of Florida's east coast included hotels and a railroad. Our last stop was Flagler’s home (Whitehall) which has been beautifully restored as a museum and well worth a visit.

Our final evening began at the Walker's townhome in Delray Beach where cocktails and conversation were mingled with Kathie's famous hors d'oeuvres. The members of the Palm Beach tour group &ndash the Walkers, Tuffnells, Gruens, Lanes, Barkers and Don Swan/Brenda plus Krongard reflected on their time together. The evening ended at a seafood restaurant on Delray’s "Avenue” -- where the action is. Unfortunately, the rain deterred the 61ers from taking in the vibrant scene. As we waited for our cars and said our farewells, we all agreed we should DO IT AGAIN!

Scasserra & Penny Atkiss

Krongard, Tally & Stu Tuffnell

Brenda Harihan, Don Swan, Joni Lane

Geo. Morris, Rob Walker, and John Torell

George & Anne Barker, Geo. Morris

Tony Atkiss, Molly Morris (Henry Cook’s sister), George Barker

Lane, Swan & Harahan

Walker's dinner order?

Swan, Krongard, Gruens, Lanes

Stu & Tally Tuffnell, Walker

Stu Tuffnell, Ev & Joe Prather, Joni Lane

Florida’s Palm Beach &ndash the Delray Beach area will be the site of an extended Valentine's Day class gathering on Thursday, February 14, and Friday, February 15..


A unique feature of the gathering will be a brief lecture and then a behind-the-scenes tour of the extraordinary Malayan tiger habitat at the Palm Beach Zoo on Thursday afternoon. The Malayan tiger is an endangered species and Zoo representatives will tell us about the exhibit and its residents and what the Zoo is hoping to accomplish. To get more details about the Zoo and the tiger exhibit, please visit these websites:

Palm Beach Zoo News




The zoo reception plus the following dinner will be $100 per person; give check payable to Rob Walker on day of event.

1961 Tigers In Florida--Valentines 2013--February 14-16: Schedule of Events

Thursday 2/14--Arrival in Palm Beach/Delray area by car or plane at Palm Beach Intl or Fort Lauderdale. Hotel (Hyatt Place ) is located in downtown Delray one block off Atlantic Ave and 20 minutes from PBI airport.

4:00 pm gathering at zoo

4:00-6:30 Zoo presentation - see the Tigers, tour/lecture followed by cocktail reception

6:30 departure from zoo to Delray's Gulf Stream Bath & Tennis Club

7:00- 9:30 Dinner on terrace overlooking ocean (fixed menu including cocktails/wine)

9;30 cruise Atlantic Avenue -- the happening place in Palm Beach County

Friday 2/15- on your own; for example:

   -Palm Beach* tour visiting Flagler Museum, Norton Art Center, Breakers Hotel, Worth Ave shopping, and lunch at special restaurant

   - Golf or tennis at the Country Club of Florida, Village of Golf (Delray area) and lunch [contact Rob Walker if interested]

   - Shop Delray, beach it, people watching and lunch

Cocktail gathering at Rob's town house on Intracoastal Waterway--6:30pm

Dinner at local Atlantic Ave restaurant--8:00pm

Saturday 2/16 Departure or extend your stay with other classmates or local friends


Please submit the below form if you are able to join the group (see "Who's Coming" below the form)


Here’s hoping for a great turn-out for a gathering that should be lots of fun!

Who was there?

Tony & Penny Atkiss

George & Anne Barker

Martin & Blanche Gruen

Cookie Krongard + guest

Jim & Joni Lane

George & Molly Morris

Joe & Ev Prather

Don Swan & Brenda Harihan

Ken Scasserra

John & Anne Torell

Stuart & Talie Tuffnell

Rob & Kathie Walker

*Points of interest in Palm Beach

Flagler Museum.  When completed in 1902, Henry Flagler’s Golden Age estate ‘Whitehall’ was proclaimed by the New York Herald to be "more wonderful than any palace in Europe, grander and more magnificent than any other private dwelling in the world.”  Whitehall is a National Historic Landmark and is open to the public as the Flagler Museum, featuring guided tours, changing exhibits, and special programs.  One Whitehall Way, Palm Beach.  561/655-2833.  www.flaglermuseum.us/

The Breakers Palm Beach.  Legendary oceanfront resort features 9 distinctive restaurants and bars for an array of dining and entertainment options.  Close to the Flagler Museum.  www.thebreakers.com.

Norton Museum.  Exhibition of celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz portrait photos includes 39 of Leibovitz’ works, which will be added to the Norton’s permanent collection.  Iconic portraits include figures like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Andy Warhol. 

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