The Class of 1961 is delighted you have something to share with us on the web site.  We’re happy to get all text items, photos and other material of interest to the class, as well as information about other sites we can link to.  We do have restrictions about content, copyright, and browsers.

Content. The Class reserves the right to reject material that is of interest to very few in the class, that promotes a commercial product or service or that is defamatory, salacious, scatological or otherwise unsuitable for publication on a web site associated with Princeton University. We will not accept press releases unless giving the name and address of the classmate, and probably not then since such releases are likely to be promotional.

We cannot for technical reasons reproduce items such as sheet music or text in languages not using the Roman alphabet. We can try to scan printouts of such material, but they often do not scan clearly enough to be usable.

If sending an image, please follow these instructions:  

Send the image, which may be a print, CD, or diskette (which will not be returned unless accompanied by a SASE), an E-mail attachment, or image-processing website. Digital photographs should be  in.JPG, .PSD, .TIF or .BMP format. Caricatures, badge designs and other line drawings should be in .GIF format.  We also need accompanying text identifying when and where the image was made and what the occasion was, as appropriate; it is also important to identify any visible people.  Please email to Len Berton, or send to 107 Deer Run, Burlington, CT 06013-1838, and include the identification text with your submission.

Announcements, articles, poems, messages and other text may be sent as email, as HTML, Word or text  documents attached to E-mail, or as hard copy.  (Use the latter only as a last resort for items of any length to save retyping or scanning and possible introduction of errors.) 

We reserve the option of editing/reformatting all submissions.

If suggesting a link to an item published elsewhere, please furnish the complete URL of the linked item if possible, plus identification of the author, publication and date so that if we get an error hitting the URL we will be able to find the item without it.

Copyright. Posting anything here is publication. Sending material constitutes your warranty that you have full rights to publish the material and that the Class will not violate anyone else’s copyright by publishing it on this web site. By sending it in, you consent to the Class publishing it here on the web site without royalty to you. You further consent (unless noted in your submission) to PAW publishing or excerpting it, and you agree to hold the webmaster, the class secretary, PAW, the Class, Tigernet, the University and any others connected with such publication harmless from claims for copyright violation by third parties.

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© 2001-25  The Princeton University Class of 1961, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA
Webmaster: Len Berton 

DISCLAIMER:  This page was created by and for the Class of 1961. Information on this page is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Princetonians. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. The Class of  1961 is solely responsible for the content on this page. Although we make every effort to keep this information accurate, we cannot guarantee it.