Mission Statement

The mission of the Class of 1961’s foundation is to provide assistance to needy classmates through our Caring Network, and to promote community service projects that enable and encourage fellow classmates to volunteer their time to reach out and touch others in a meaningful way.


Classmates and their family members who are facing a difficult medical situation themselves should contact the Caring Network and request assistance. The Caring Network will provide a trained volunteer who has experienced your issue and will discuss their experience with your condition and procedure. All cases needing financial assistance will be considered by the trustees.

The trustees will establish the criteria for projects and solicit suggestions from classmates and other interested parties.  The trustees will also establish procedures for the implementation and operation of the approved projects.

The Foundation will accept proposals for community service projects that meet our criteria of making a meaningful contribution to the people and the environment of the world. The projects to be selected may address education, environment, and health.


All proposed projects will be considered by the trustees. The trustees will determine if projects meet the criteria of reinforcing the value of the Princeton experience to the country and the world. The Foundation seeks projects that utilize the unique abilities, experience, and geographical location of members of the Class of 1961 and may also provide for the engagement of graduating Princeton seniors as Class of 1961 Fellows, and underclass students as Class of 1961 summer interns. The Foundation may consult with the Princeton University faculty and others in shaping projects. 


The Princeton Class of 1961 Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  Funding will principally come from classmates contributing to specific projects and to the general fund.  The Foundation is qualified to receive U.S. tax deductible contributions, gifts, appreciated securities, and bequests. (Click here for IRS letter of determination.) Support is solicited from all interested individuals, private or family foundations, and corporations.

© 2001-25  The Princeton University Class of 1961, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA
Webmaster: Len Berton 

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