
The Class Foundation is grateful to the following generous donors:


Cy AdamsPeter GeorgescuJohn & Esther Pasalis
Tom AdamsPhil GinsbergLandey Patton
Frank AlexanderBob GoldenChris Perry
Amazon SmileRon GoldmanJim Petrucci '86
AnonymousMichael GouldPeter Pettibone
Ted AthanassiadesJerrold GraberPfizer Foundation
Tony AtkissJohn GrahamBob & Mary Pickens
John BakerRoy Neil GravesKit Pool
Judy BaldwinBill GreenJoe & Ev Prather
Robert BarrowcloughMike GreenwaldTom Pulling
John BennettBill HaasTed Ramsey
Stephen BergerJon HagstromJim Raybin
Fred BishopBob HainesSam Rea
Bishop Family FoundationGary HammondReusch Family
Jim & Sue BlairAndras HamoriCharles Reusch
Lee BlylerRobbie HarrisonSheila Kayser Riggs
Bob BoleSinclair Hatch, Jr.Ben Rose
George BrakeleyWoody HawksPeter Rosenberg
Tom BramanRichard HenshawBill Rough
Carl BredenbergAndy HigginsPaul Rubincam
Larry BrennanHugo HilgendorffTom Sansone
Edward BrownFred HitzKen Scasserra
Norm BrownJon HlafterBarry Schaefer
Phil BrunerMike HornJohn Schwartz
Reed BryanAlan HowardHugh Scott
Jim BurnhamStew HudnutSeattle Foundation
Jan BurrowsMarkley HueyPierce Selwood
Mike BurtonSusan HutchisonArt Smith
Lee CarterMike & Joan IsemanErnie Smith
Chevron Matching FundHilton JerveyWill Somers
Judith ClosePhil JohnsonBoone Sparrow
Vern CloseMrs. Terry JohnstonMorgan Stanley
Esther Clovis '12James KelleySteven Stiles
Jim ColeGail KelloggJack Stith
Cole Sisters Charitable Gift Fund/NCFJim KelloggJerry Sullivan
Adrian ColleyRichard KerstenDon Swan
John M. CooperJustin KimballDennis Taylor
Steve DanaClaude & Liz KoprowskiMatt Tobriner
Richard DanehowerJohn KremerHarry Tolllerton
Patrick DavidsonGeorge LandowRobert Towler
Sam DavisGene LawsonFrank Towne
Paul DePlacidoElihu LeiferRuss Tremaine
Robert DiazSam LeisringStu Tuffnell
Ed DienerBob LewisBen Turnbull
George DillerGus LewisHans Chris von Rohr
Tom DonnellyTalbot MackJames Wadsworth
Dave DraudtRichard ManningEd Wagner
Ed DuBrowJohn McConnellFrank Wagner
Wick DuffordJoe McGinityRob Walker
Martha EckfeldtLelan McReynoldsKathy Wall
Glenn EdgertonVJ & Lorraine MennaRick Wall
Tim EllisJoe MessinaFred Wanklyn
Donald EmmersonBetsy MichelLuke Ward
Bill EwingBill MillerJay Webster
Jose FerrerGeorge MorrisMarc Whitehead
Gary FieldsJohn MorrisDan Whitely
Parker FinchWilson MorrisJim Wickenden
Mark FinksNick NewensAlex Wiliamson
David FitzGeraldTed NewlinLois Williams
Jerry Ford '54Gerry NortonFrank Wisner
Walt FowskiAlan OestreichCarol Wojciechowicz
Andrea Francis '11Gil Omenn & Martha DarlingHope Wurmfeld
Charlie FrisbiePaul OppenheimerKung Yao
Bob FullerStan PanosianEd Zschau


The Princeton Class of 1961 Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  The Foundation is qualified to receive U.S. tax deductible contributions, gifts, and bequests. Click here for IRS letter of determination.  For tax returns, Click FY 2011-12, FY 2012-13, FY 2013-14,FY 2014-15.

For fiscal 2014-15 P&L, click here.  Balance sheet on June 30, 2015, click here.


© 2001-25  The Princeton University Class of 1961, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA
Webmaster: Len Berton 

DISCLAIMER:  This page was created by and for the Class of 1961. Information on this page is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Princetonians. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. The Class of  1961 is solely responsible for the content on this page. Although we make every effort to keep this information accurate, we cannot guarantee it.