Class of 1961 - Gift Planning Program

James S. Lane
2605 Hamel Road
Medina, MN 55340-9785




P.S. If you have already included Princeton in your estate plans but are not on the [below] list of classmates, please get in touch with me or the Office of Gift Planning, 330 Alexander St, Princeton, NJ 08540-9839, so that we can add you to our honor roll for the 1746 Society.




                                     Class of 1961
                                                 1746 Society Membership

as of 7/24

James H. Adams III
Marilyn Johnson Adams S61
Ted Athanassiades *
Frederick E. Bishop
Stephanie L. Bishop S61        
John E. Bjorkholm
Mary J. Bjorkholm S61
James C. Blair 
Mrs. James C. Blair S61
F. Peter Boer *
Robert F. Bole, Jr.
George A. Brakeley III
B. Lawrence Brennan *

Mrs. George W. Cain, Jr. W61*
James R. Cole
Robert H. Craft, Jr.
Stephen F. Dana
Paul W. Earle
Parker T. Finch, Jr.
Charles Frisbie
Phillip H. Ginsberg *

Robert B. Haines *
George H. Hawks III *
Charles D. Horner
Alan B. Howard
Stewart S. Hudnut
Michael D. Iseman*
Terry A. Johnston *
Justin H. Kimball
Mrs. James R.F. Kunkemuller W61*
James S. Lane III

Donald P. Le Win

Richard K. Mandell
John H. Marino *
Clifford L. Michel *
William M. Michelson      
Theodore F. Newlin III
Gilbert S. Omenn 
Stan R. Panosian *
Stephen W. Roberts *
Waldo B. Rose
William H. Rough
Paul P. Rubincom, Jr. *
Suzanne Reddick Rubincam S61
Sumner Rulon-Miller III *
George A Scheele III
Robert D. Schweizer *
Pierce T. Selwood
Alexis Fuerbringer Selwood S61
Arthur C. Smith III 
Stephen M. Sonnenberg
David B. Steiner
Harry M. Tollerton *
Kathryn R. Tollerton S61

John R. Torell III *
Lawrence D. Tornek
Russell F. Tremaine
James M. Wadsworth
Robert G. Walker, Jr.
Jerome P. Webster, Jr.
H. Davis Wharton III *

Anonymous (3)

* Deceased members. 

© 2001-24  The Princeton University Class of 1961, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA
Webmaster: Len Berton 

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