Free reunion:  Raffle: there will be a refund for the winning classmate and all family members that registered and paid before
February 28, 2011. Drawing to be held at the Friday evening reunion class dinner.  (Fees only, extras not included)

Ladies' Dress: Anything orange and black goes:  Night: black pants or skirts and an orange top, or a dress with an orange scarf,
or one from the 45th Reunion would be great.  Daytime: same or shorts work too.  And don't forget to wear your 50th Reunion

Men's Dress: Night: khaki or white pants or shorts, polo, blazer optional

P-rade Dress: White pants, white shirt, black '61 tie (new or old), '61 blazer, new bucket hat.

General information: click here for the University reunion page.


Thurs., May 26Noon - 11pm
Check-inHQ (Blair/Joline courtyard)
VJ Menna

3:30 - 5pmForum (Opportunities under PP & Affordable Care Act)
McCosh 50
Dar Labarthe
Phil Weinstein
Steve Sonnenberg

4 - 5pm
Forum (Conversation on China)
Robertson Hall
Frank Wisner

5 - 6pm
Forum (Young High Tech Entrepreneurs)
McCosh 50
Ed Zschau

6pm - 7pmReceptionHQBob Pickens

7pm - 8pm
Bob Pickens

8pm - Midnight
Neil Wright Trio
HQJim Blair

Fri., May 278 - 9:30am
BreakfastHQBob Pickens

8amGolf outing & lunch
Bedens Brook Country Club
   (see map below)
Andy Higgins

9am - midnightCheck-inHQVJ Menna

9 - 11amTennisUniv. courts (meet 9am at HQ)
Whitey Finch

9:15 - 10:15am
Forum (Future of Healthcare)McCosh 50Gil Omenn

10:30 - 11:30amForum (Civil Rights & Liberties)
McCosh 28
Phil Ginsberg

10:30 - 11:30am
Forum (Role of American Power)
McCosh 50
John Milton Cooper

Bob Pickens

1:30 - 2:30pmForum (College Admissions)Dodds AuditoriumJim Wickenden

2:30 - 3:30pmForum (The New India)
McCosh 46
Frank Wisner

2:30 - 3:30pmForum (Chemistry in Action)
Taylor Auditorium
George Scheele

2:30 - 4:45pm
Talk & Campus Tour*
Starts at HQ
Jon Hlafter

5pmIvy Stone Dedication
Nassau Hall
John Graham

5:25 - 6:15pm
Reception (with The Footnotes)
HQBob Pickens/Jim Blair

6:15 - 7:55pm
Dinner/Class meeting/Free reunion drawing
Alexander Beach (Dinner tent)
Bob Pickens/John Graham/Ev Prather

7:55 - 8:10pmPresident Tilghman visit
Alexander Beach
Joe Prather

9:00 - 10:30pm
Big Band
Dod-McCormick Courtyard
(40th Reunion Site) + HQ video link
Jim Blair

10 - midnight
TigerLilliesBlair Arch

Midnight - 1:30am
NassoonsBlair Arch

Sat.,  May 288 - 9:30amBreakfastHQBob Pickens

8 - 9am
Breakfast for '61 AG Volunteers
Prospect House
Jim Lane/Steve Roberts/Rob Walker

9am - 1pm; 5 - 11pm
VJ Menna

9:45amFriends of Princeton Track Award
In front of Art Museum
To Dick Edmunds by Jerry Shattuck

10:30 - 11:30amForum (10th Anniversary of 9/11)
McCosh 28
Fred Hitz

LunchHQBob Pickens

Class photoBlair StepsGeorge Barker

1:45pmP-rade starts at 2pm.
Assemble at Nassau HallJon Hlafter

4:30 - 5:15pm
Class Memorial ServiceAlexander Hall - Richardson AuditoriumJim Adams

6 - 7pm
Reception (Same Old Minstrels quartet, with JJ Keyser & Phil Weinstein)**
HQBob Pickens

7 - 9pm
DinnerAlexander Beach
Bob Pickens

9pm - 1am
The Party Dolls
HQJim Blair

9:15 - 9:45pm
Carnegie Lake (view from Finney/Campbell Fields)

10 - 11pm
KatzenjammersBlair Arch

11 - midnight
Old NasSoul
Blair Arch

Midnight - 1:30amTigertonesBlair Arch

Sun., May 298:30 - 10:30am
    (see map below)
Joe Prather

10:00 - 11:00am
Sunday Worship
University Chapel
Jim Adams

11:00am - 12:15pm
Faith & Action Worship Service
Nassau Christian Center
Tom Donnelly

*On Friday afternoon, May 27, Jon Hlafter will be giving a talk and tour entitled  "The Princeton Campus in the 21st Century."  The tour  will begin at 2:30 at.the
HQ site. A 3:00 slide presentation in Bowl 130 at the Lewis Science Library as well as visits to the new Frick Chemistry Laboratory and Whitman College are
included.  The tour will end between 4:30 and 5:00.  Good walking shoes are recommended.

**"Same Old Minstrels", is composed of JJ Keyser and his jazz guitarist son, John (flying in from Portland,OR), Phil Weinstein on drums (Past President of the Harvey Cushing Society - arguably the most prestigious medical society in
the country [Neurosurgeons]), and John Simon '63 (Renowned jazz pianist who produced Janis Joplin, The Band,
Cyrcle and on and on!). They played as "The Minstrels" in college days and at one point won the Bermuda Jazz
Festival. It is a grand reunion for us as well. Weino has his own quintet out there on the west coast - the NJQ for "Neurosurgeons Jazz Quintet", and Simes has his trio playing in Ellenville, NY weekly, but not weakly. It will be a

View Bedens Brook CC in a larger map

View Drumthwacket in a larger map


Here is info on parking in town and here is the on-campus parking map.

During Reunions, RVs are permitted to park on the field between FitzRandolph Road and Broadmead (across from the entrance to the Jadwin parking lot # 21).
Campus shuttles are available in Lot 21. Unfortunately, hookup for electrical and water is not available. 

Park your kids:

YWCA Princeton 2011 TIGER CAMP - Friday, May 27, 2011 and Saturday, May 28, 2011.  Click here for details.

         Early Bird Registration (before March 31, 2011) @ $160 for 2 nights or $ 90 per night

         Late Registration (from April 1 to April 30, 2011) @ $195 for 2 nights or $110 per night

         Registration after May 1, 2011 (based on staff availability) @ $140 per night

WILL OUR HQ SITE LOOK LIKE THIS IN MAY?  Click here for the HQ layout map.


© 2001-25  The Princeton University Class of 1961, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA
Webmaster: Len Berton 

DISCLAIMER:  This page was created by and for the Class of 1961. Information on this page is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Princetonians. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. The Class of  1961 is solely responsible for the content on this page. Although we make every effort to keep this information accurate, we cannot guarantee it.