Community Project Selection Criteria
The Foundation criteria used to select projects may also be used to measure the project once it is up and running, or after it has been completed. Some of the criteria lend themselves to assigning metric scores; others may be better evaluated on a non-metric basis.
ALUMNI INVOLVEMENT: An important component of a community service project is the number of classmates volunteering their time. How well does the project generate enthusiasm among classmates and families to volunteer their time?
PRINCETON NEXUS: Involvement of other Princeton alumni, faculty members, and current students is also a consideration. Does the beneficiary organization have a Princeton connection?
BENEFIT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVED: How much does the project benefit the community where the project takes place, and how many individuals are served?
MONEY AND HOURS SPENT PER INDIVIDUAL DIRECTLY SERVED: Weigh how many dollars and volunteer hours are spent per end recipient against the value to the community and individuals served.
TRANSFERABILITY AND REPRODUCIBILITY OF THE PROJECT: It is very desirable that a community service project be reproducible to others in need, and additionally desirable that the project be transferable to other organizations (classes or regional associations).
VALUE OF THE PROJECT AS A DEMONSTRATION TO OTHER UNIVERSITY GROUPS AND TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC: How well does the project demonstrate the value of the Princeton experience and the new motto "In the Nation's Service and the Service of Humanity"?
Community Care Day is Supported by the Foundation
As promised, I’m getting back in touch to share an updated about the upcoming 2024 Community Care Day. Our working group (staff, students and faculty) have been working intensely over the summer to learn from last year’s event and plan this year’s. We are now at the point where all the offerings for the day are finalized and posted, so I wanted to share the 2024 schedule with you:
Please also feel free to share it with the Class of 1961 Foundation leaders so they can see what their amazing gift is going towards.
Also, if you or other members of the Foundation leadership would like to attend the 5-7pm Community Gathering on Cannon Green, please let me know, we would love to have you! (Just let me know in advance because to enter you’d have to swipe in an ID card; if you and others want to join, I’d let our team know to expect you.)
Thank you again for supporting Community Care Day, we think it’s going to be even better than last year.
Judy Jarvis <>
The Foundation hosted a campus visit on May 9th by 25 students of Esther Clovis '12, one of our current Teach For America Fellows. Our Mirror Class of '16 was instrumental in making the visit a success. In the photo along with Esther (in the white Princeton sweatshirt) are Joe and Ev Prather, Jon Hlafter, and Bob Pickens.

On May 7, 2013, Foundation trustees Mike Horn, Jim Kellogg, Ev and Joe Prather attended an event hosted by Teach For America at the Newark Museum. Teach For America founder Wendy Kopp ’89 was the featured speaker.
The Foundation has selected the proposal by Teach For America as our first community service project. The project will involve many of our classmates promoting education in a manner that reinforces the value of the Princeton experience. All of the projects that were submitted to the Foundation were carefully reviewed and evaluated by Chair Cookie Krongard and his able project selection committee.
The Foundation has selected two recent Princeton graduates who are in the Teach For America corps class of 2012 to receive Princeton Class of 1961 Fellowships. The two are Andrea Francis ‘11 (right in photo) and Esther Clovis ’12 (center in photo). Their commitment to Teach For America and their fellowships are for two years and will wrap up at the end of the academic year in 2014. The candidates were evaluated by Spence Reynolds who had the very difficult task of recommending only two from the field of superbly qualified candidates for the Fellowships.
We will be providing mentoring and funding to Andrea and Esther. Our classmates will be offered the opportunity to visit classes all over the country where Teach For America teachers are teaching, and to participate in a meaningful way.
Jim Kellogg and Joe Prather went to Princeton to meet the candidates for the fellowships. President Tilghman spoke to the importance of Teach For America’s mission, and congratulated the newly accepted Princeton students &ndash noting that it was more difficult to get accepted by Teach For America than to be accepted by Princeton.
The trustees have become more and more convinced that the Foundation selected the best project possible by teaming up our class with Teach For America. The impact of what we are doing will be big on the students of our two Fellows, and just as big on our classmates.
Suggestions for projects that meet the Foundation criteria from undergraduates are welcome. In addition, the Foundation welcomes suggestions for suitable projects from the Princeton faculty, 1961 classmates, and any other interested parties. To propose a project, please fill out and submit the below form to the Project Selection Committee: