Who was there? 

47th Reunion

Co-chairs: Ev & Joe Prather

Friday, May 30 - Sunday, June 1.  '63 will host us at Holder Court.  Sign in and get badge and materials (noon - 9 Thursday, 8am-9pm Friday).

--Click for the campus map (requires Adobe Acrobat)

Friday, May 30: Class Dinner at  Martha & Jim Wickenden's house,  Dress is casual.  Come as you are. Badge not needed for this function.

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bullet5:30pm - Cocktails

bullet7pm - Dinner*

bullet8pm - Jon Hlafter
Princeton's Campus Plan - The Next Ten Years 
(followed by Q&A) 


bullet9pm Annual Class Meeting - Vice-President Patrick Davidson (see minutes below)

bullet10pm Tigertones

*The Class and Reunion Committee would appreciate any donation (which will go to the Class Scholarship Fund). Suggested minimum: $50 per person. Can give Prather cash or check made out to Princeton Class of 1961 at the dinner.

Saturday, May 31P-rade (Show up around 1:30pm by Nassau Hall). Costume: black polo shirts from the 45th under our blazers.  Reunion hats if available.

Meals at tent
Prices for meal tix from '63:
Breakfast (Fri, Sat) $10 each
Lunch (Fri, Sat) $15
Dinner (Sat only) $40
Brunch (Sun only) $25

Baseball caps
Ken says "1961" baseball hats are available for $20.00 each. Let him know and they can be picked up at this reunion.

Click here for the Alumni Council's full reunions schedule.

Campus Beds: 4 campus beds @ $100 each (for the weekend) are left. Deadline was 4/25. '63 also has one more Theological Seminary bed available @ $120 for the weekend. (5 minute walk from Holder, but quieter.)  And another '63-er has an extra room at the Hyatt Regency at Alexander Rd and Route 1 - $319 per night. If anyone is interested they should contact John Heilner '63: Heilner4@aol.com or (609-683-9363).

Who was there? 

Jim Adams
Jim & Sue Blair
George & Ellen Brakeley
Jim Cole
Patrick & Diane Davidson
Martin & Blanche Gruen (First reunion!)
Jon & Pat Hlafter
Justin & Suzanne Kimball
Cookie Krongard
Dick Manning (+ Rachel & Liz at P-rade)
VJ & Lorraine Menna
Jay & Nancy Parsons
Bob & Mary Pickens
Joe & Ev Prather
Ken Scasserra
Jim & Margaret Todd
Martha & Jim Wickenden
Carol Wojciechowicz

(Art Smith was unfortunately forced to miss his first reunion ever in order to attend the funeral of his wife's father)


Skillman, New Jersey     May 30, 2008

            The Class of 1961 Annual Meeting was called to order at 9:00 PM by Class Vice President Patrick Davidson, in the absence of Class President John Graham, in the home of Martha and Jim Wickenden just outside of Princeton, NJ.

The Vice President thanked Martha and Jim for hosting the delightful class reunion dinner and Jon Hlafter for his excellent talk about Princeton’s Campus Plan. He welcomed class newlyweds Nancy and Jay Parsons, and Blanche and Martin Gruen who were attending their first off-year reunion dinner.


            Since the minutes of the last class meeting held on June 1, 2007 are on the class web site, the Vice-President asked for a motion to waive the reading of the class minutes. George Brakeley so moved and the motion was approved.

Old Business

            On behalf of President John Graham, the Vice President thanked the class officers for their support and efforts during this past year. He thanked President John Graham for his leadership, Secretary George Brakeley for his work with PAW and alumni activities, Treasurer Mike Burton for keeping us solvent, and Webmaster Len Berton for establishing and maintaining our class web site and for his continuing role in communications.

            The class would also like to thank the following classmates for their leadership in organizing 2007-2008 activities:

·         Reunions: Reunion Chairs Ev and Joe Prather and Treasurer Jay Parsons.

·         Harvard game tailgate and dinner in Cambridge, Oct. 20, 2007: Dave Forney.

·         Yale Game Tailgate & Dinner at Princeton, Nov. 10, 2007; Joe McGinity & Pat Davidson.

·         Florida golf outing, Feb 12, 2008: John Torell, John O’Neill & Joe McGinity.

·         Alumni Day Memorial Services, Feb 23, 2008: Jim Diaz.

·         Men’s Basketball vs. Yale. Dinner in New Haven, March 1, 2008: Hank Sykes.

·         Class Dinner in New York City, March 3, 2008: Frank Richardson, Tom Pulling, Speaker Jim Ziran, John Graham, George Brakeley and Len Berton.

·         Class Dinner in Greenwich, Connecticut (Cancelled for low interest): Barry Schaefer.  

New Business

Finance Reports

            On behalf of Treasurer Mike Burton, the VP reported that the class treasury has total funds of $33,650. This is composed of $27,670 in a money market account in Arvest Bank in Tulsa, OK, $5,285 in a checking account in the same bank, and $775 in our PayPal account.

            It was reported that 307 classmates paid class dues of $15,305 for the July 2007-June 2008 period and 105 contributed $7,845 to the class scholarship fund. This compares to the 2006-2007 period when 320 people paid dues of $16,185 and 110 gave $6,565 to the class scholarship fund.

            The Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund had a book value of $385,000 and a market value of $2,536,000 on March 31, 2008. This fund is providing scholarship support of $116,000 for seven students.

            On behalf of Reunion Treasurer Jay Parsons, it was reported that the class reunion fund had about $6,000 on deposit.

Annual Giving

            On behalf of our Annual Giving co-chairs Tony Atkiss and Kathy Wall, it was reported that the pace of Annual Giving is running slightly behind last year. A glitch in mailings resulted in the AG mailing going out three weeks later than normal. Kathy Wall recently reported that the class participation rate on May 28 was 43% with $162,000 collected. The big push is starting now with a goal of 67% participation and $205,000.

Fall 2008 Football Gatherings

            The class has plans for three football weekends including a Charleston, SC mini-reunion.

Harvard at Princeton: Saturday, October 25, 2008. Plans include a Jadwin tailgate, the game, and then a post game reception and dinner at Quadrangle Club.

            Princeton at Yale in New Haven: Saturday, November 15, 2008.  Information to follow.

            Princeton vs. The Citadel: Charleston, SC Mini-Reunion on September 18-21, 2008.

The class mini-reunion in Charleston, SC will begin on Thursday, September 18, 2008. This spectacular city of the &ldquoOld South” has some of the best historic sightseeing in the country. Plans for this mini-reunion include receptions and dinners at fine Charleston restaurants, visits to historic locations, a pre-game tailgate and the Princeton-Citadel football game. Dan Jackson is coordinating this reunion. A letter will be sent out soon describing this event. Charleston visitor brochures were passed out.

This meeting was adjourned about 9:10 PM and the class enjoyed the singing of the Tigertones.

Respectfully submitted,

Patrick Davidson

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Webmaster: Len Berton 

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