(With Class of 1960)
Click here to see Who was There
Chair: John MacMurray
15 West 43rd Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues)
New York, NY 10036
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 (Spouses, children and guests are welcome.) $95 per person. Deadline for signup & payment is March 15. Beware the ides of March!
Reception: 6pm. Cocktails (cash bar).
Dinner: 7pm.
Baby Arugula Salad
Smoked Mozzarella Pearls, Prosciutto, Roasted Red Peppers, White Balsamic Dressing
Pan Roasted Organic Chicken Breast*
Ricotta-Herb Whipped Potatoes, Roasted Forest Mushrooms, Truffle Chicken Jus
Red and white wine included.
Mochaccino Mousse
Chocolate Cake, Bittersweet Chocolate & Espresso Mousse, Topped with Chocolate Ganache
Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea Selections
*Vegetarian Substitution:
Goat Cheese Ravioli with Red Onion Marmalade, Port Wine Reduction
If any in your party have special dietary requirements, please note them on the sign up form.
Orange & black clothing encouraged, especially class ties. Even reunion blazers are welcome to brighten up the club!
After Dinner Speaker:
Mike Iseman
"Charles Darwin, TB and The Road to Hell. It's not enough to have good intentions" -- the paradoxical adverse effects of the recent global effort to control TB.
"I plan to discuss how well-intended efforts to make global TB therapy widely available from around 1990 to the present have resulted in erratic, disorganized drug administration. This has led to dramatic escalations of drug-resistance, creating virtually incurable disease in many regions. I was part of this overly optimistic plan. It is a cautionary tale."
Q&A to follow Mike's remarks.
Click here for his bio.
George & Anne Barker*
Len Berton*
Jim Cole*
Joe Ferrer*
Peter Godsick*
Mike & Gerri Horn*
Mike Iseman*
Justin Kimball*
Cookie Krongard*
John & Annie MacMurray*
VJ & Lorraine Menna*
Bill Miller*
Gerry Norton*
Carl & Cynthia Opderbeck*
Stan Panosian*
Joe & Ev Prather*
Charlie Rippin*
Milo Sampson '62*
Barry Schaefer*
John & Sandra Schwartz*
*registered & paid
Michael D. Iseman, M.D., Professor, Division of Mycobacterial and Respiratory Medicine
Mike graduated in '61 with honors in History. He then received his doctorate in 1965 from Columbia University where he also received his residency training in internal medicine, as well as his fellowship training in pulmonary medicine.
Dr. Iseman joined the faculty at the University of Colorado in 1972 and National Jewish Medical and Research Center in 1982. He is currently Professor of Medicine with appointments in both pulmonary medicine and infectious diseases.
Dr. Iseman holds the Girard & Madeline Beno Chair in Mycobacterial Diseases, and is well known for his work in the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases. In addition to providing patient care in the ward and clinic, he has been the Director of a thrice-yearly, week-long course held at National Jewish on the management of tuberculosis; over the past 21 years, nearly 6,000 physicians and nurses from across the United States and around the world have attended. Dr. Iseman has been a consultant for the Colorado State Health Department, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. A member of the Advisory Board of Partners in Health, Dr. Iseman has taught Partners in Health courses in Peru and Russia. He also has lectured in 47 states and 34 foreign countries. From 1997 to 2002, he was Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, which is published in Paris, France. In addition to contributing chapters to eight different textbooks, he has recently completed a single-authored book, A Clinician’s Guide to Tuberculosis.
Dr. Iseman’s program offers free consultation services for clinicians, public health officers, families and patients affected by complicated or multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, or disease due to nontuberculous mycobacteria. The consultation service started in 1988 and receives more than 1,000 requests per year.
Dr. Iseman received the Edward Livingston Trudeau award from the American Thoracic Society and the American Lung Association in 2005. The Trudeau medal recognizes lifelong major contributions to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lung disease through leadership in research, education or clinical care. Other awards include the Gold Medal for Clinical Excellence of the Columbia Alumni Association (1995), election to the Colorado Pulmonary Hall of Fame (1997), the Governors’ Community Service Award from the CHEST Foundation (2004) and the Robert W. Schrier Award for Excellence from the Department of Medicine of the University of Colorado (2007).